Zdigitalizowana (betonowa) dżungla. Miasto w grach wideo. Naśladownictwo

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Paweł Świątek


Digitalized (concrete) jungle. A city in video games. Mimicry

The article describes the types of mimic relations that appear in video games (universalistic and fragmentary) and the ways in which these types affect the mechanism of constructing the reality of the game world. It discusses three levels of mimic relations which are used in the analysis of examples. It depicts the behavior of the inhabitants of virtual cities in Fallout, The Elder Scrolls and Grand Theft Auto game series. It also analyses the look of the particular locations in GTA: San Adreas, Max Payne 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and TES: Skyrim games. In the conclusion, the author points to the potential usefulness of the possible worlds’ theory which, to some extent, bonds the highlighted levels of virtual reality, the creation of the depicted world and the categories of interactivity and mimicry.


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Jak cytować
Świątek, Paweł. 2014. „Zdigitalizowana (betonowa) dżungla. Miasto W Grach Wideo. Naśladownictwo”. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica 2 (grudzień):147-57. https://studiapoetica.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/1786.
Kontynuacje i rewizje


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