Papierowa Ariadna, wirtualny Tezeusz. Tekst przewodnika w hipertekście miasta

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Zbigniew Bauer


Paper Ariadne, Theseus virtual. The text in the hypertext of city guide

The article is devoted to the relationship between “the text of city” and the text of city guides (traditional, in the form of books; and electronic - professional and emerging en route, wandering through social media and mobile devices). The author uses a heuristic metaphor of the city as a maze and a palimpsest that is widely used in the current humanistic reflections on the city. It refers to the myth of Theseus and Ariadne: the former is considered a virtual figure, the latter is a viable form that holds the thread, the solution of the mysterious maze, and also its projection, which is a challenge for Theseus.


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Jak cytować
Bauer, Zbigniew. 2014. „Papierowa Ariadna, Wirtualny Tezeusz. Tekst Przewodnika w hipertekście Miasta”. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica 2 (grudzień):30-42.
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